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Utilizando los métodos a continuación, puedes controlar y obtener información del ratón.

Obtener las coordenadas del ratón

Si deseas obtener las coordenadas del ratón, utiliza los métodos a continuación para obtener la posición X e Y del ratón.

# To get the mouse coordinate.
x = bot.get_last_x()
y = bot.get_last_y()

print(f'The last saved mouse position is: {x}, {y}')
// To get the last coordinate that was saved from the mouse.
int x = getLastX();
int y = getLastY();

System.out.printf("The last saved mouse position is: %d, %d", x, y);
// To get the mouse coordinate.
const x = desktopBot.getLastX()
const y = desktopBot.getLastY()

console.log(`The last saved mouse position is: ${x}, ${y}`)
// To get the mouse coordinate.
const x: number = desktopBot.getLastX()
const y: number = desktopBot.getLastY()

console.log(`The last saved mouse position is: ${x}, ${y}`)

Mover a una coordenada

Para mover el ratón a una coordenada, utiliza el siguiente método.

# Mover el ratón a la posición x=100 e y=200.
bot.mouse_move(x=100, y=200)
// Mover el ratón a la posición x=100 e y=200.
moveTo(100, 200);
// Mover el ratón a la posición x=100 e y=200.
await desktopBot.moveMouse(100, 200)
// Mover el ratón a la posición x=100 e y=200.
await desktopBot.moveMouse(100, 200)

Mover el ratón

Si deseas mover el ratón a un elemento, utiliza los métodos a continuación.

Puedes moverte directamente a un elemento o moverte a una posición relativa a la posición del elemento encontrado o a una posición aleatoria en la pantalla.


El método find() se utiliza para buscar el elemento y recopilar su posición. Haz clic aquí para obtener más información.

# Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'
if bot.find(label='SubmitForm', matching=0.97, waiting_time=10000):
    # Moving directly to the element found.

    # Moving to the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    bot.move_relative(x=100, y=200)

# Moving the mouse to a random position within a range x=100 and y=200.
bot.move_random(range_x=100, range_y=200)
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (find("SubmitForm", 0.97, 10000)) {
    // Moving directly to the element found.

    // Moving to the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    moveRelative(100, 200);

// Moving the mouse to a random position within a range x=100 and y=200.
moveRandom(100, 200);
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm')) {
    const center =
    await desktopBot.moveMouse(center.x, center.y)

    // Moving to the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.moveRelative(100, 200)

// Moving the mouse to a random position within a range x=100 and y=200.
await desktopBot.moveRandom(100, 200)
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm')) {
    const center: object =
    await desktopBot.moveMouse(center?.x, center?.y)

    // Moving to the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.moveRelative(100, 200)

// Moving the mouse to a random position within a range x=100 and y=200.
await desktopBot.moveRandom(100, 200)

Hacer clic en una coordenada

Si necesitas hacer clic en una posición en la pantalla, utiliza el siguiente método.

# Left click on the position x=100 and y=200.
bot.click_at(x=100, y=200)

# Right click on the position x=100 and y=200.
bot.right_click_at(x=100, y=200)
// Left click on the position x=100 and y=200.
clickAt(100, 200)

// Right click on the position x=100 and y=200.
rightClickAt(100, 200);
// Left click on the position x=100 and y=200.
await desktopBot.clickAt(100, 200)

// Right click on the position x=100 and y=200.
await desktopBot.clickAt(100, 200, 'right')
// Left click on the position x=100 and y=200.
await desktopBot.clickAt(100, 200)

// Right click on the position x=100 and y=200.
await desktopBot.clickAt(100, 200, 'right')

Hacer clic en el elemento

Si deseas hacer clic en el elemento, utiliza los métodos a continuación.

Puedes hacer clic directamente en el elemento o hacer clic en una posición relativa al elemento encontrado.


El método find() se utiliza para buscar el elemento y recopilar su posición. Haz clic aquí para obtener más información.

# 'SubmitForm' is the label of the element that will be clicked.

# Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if bot.find(label='SubmitForm', matching=0.9, waiting_time=10000):
    # Clicking on the element found.

    # Right click on the element found.

# Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if bot.find(label='SubmitForm', matching=0.9, waiting_time=10000):
    # Clicking on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    bot.click_relative(x=100, y=200)

    # Right-click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    bot.right_click_relative(x=100, y=200)
// 'SubmitForm' is the label of the element that will be clicked.

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (find("SubmitForm", 0.97, 10000)) {
    // Clicking on the element found.

    // Right click on the element found.

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (find("SubmitForm", 0.97, 10000)) {
    // Clicking on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    clickRelative(100, 200);

    // Right click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    rightClickRelative(100, 200);
// 'SubmitForm' is the label of the element that will be clicked.
await desktopBot.clickOn('SubmitForm')

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await bot.find('SubmitForm') !== null) {
    // Clicking on the element found.

    // Right click on the element found.

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm') !== null):
    // Clicking on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.clickRelative(100, 200)

    // Right click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.clickRelative(100, 200, 'right')
// 'SubmitForm' is the label of the element that will be clicked.
await desktopBot.clickOn('SubmitForm')

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await bot.find('SubmitForm') !== null) {
    // Clicking on the element found.

    // Right click on the element found.

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm') !== null):
    // Clicking on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.clickRelative(100, 200)

    // Right click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.clickRelative(100, 200, 'right')

Hacer doble clic en el elemento

Si necesitas hacer doble clic en el elemento o hacer doble clic en una posición relativa del elemento, utiliza los métodos a continuación.


El método find() se utiliza para buscar el elemento y recopilar su posición. Haz clic aquí para obtener más información.

# Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if bot.find(label='SubmitForm', matching=0.97, waiting_time=10000):
    # Double click on the element found.

# Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if bot.find(label='SubmitForm', matching=0.97, waiting_time=10000):
    # Double-click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    bot.double_click_relative(x=100, y=200)
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (find("SubmitForm", 0.97, 10000)) {
    // Double click on the element found.

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (find("SubmitForm", 0.97, 10000)) {
    // Double click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    doubleClickRelative(100, 200);
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm')){
    // Double click on the element found.
    await desktopBot.doubleClick()

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm')){
    // Double click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.doubleClickRelative(100, 200)
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm')){
   // Double click on the element found.
    await desktopBot.doubleClick()

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm')){
    // Double click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.doubleClickRelative(100, 200)

Hacer triple clic en el elemento

Si necesitas hacer triple clic en el elemento o hacer triple clic en una posición relativa del elemento, utiliza los métodos a continuación.


El método find() se utiliza para buscar el elemento y recopilar su posición. Haz clic aquí para obtener más información.

# Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if bot.find(label='SubmitForm', matching=0.97, waiting_time=10000):
    # Triple-click on the element found.

# Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if bot.find(label='SubmitForm', matching=0.97, waiting_time=10000):
    # Triple click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    bot.triple_click_relative(x=100, y=200)
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (find("SubmitForm", 0.97, 10000)) {
    // Triple click on the element found.

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (find("SubmitForm", 0.97, 10000)) {
    // Triple click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    tripleClickRelative(100, 200);
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm'){
    // Triple click on the element found
    await desktopBot.tripleClick()

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm'){
    // Triple-click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.tripleClickRelative(100, 200)
// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm'){
    // Triple-click on the element found.
    await desktopBot.tripleClick()

// Looking for the element on the page with the label 'SubmitForm'.
if (await desktopBot.find('SubmitForm'){
    // Triple-click on the position x=100 and y=200 relative to the element found.
    await desktopBot.tripleClickRelative(100, 200)

Presionar y soltar el botón del ratón

Para presionar y soltar el botón del ratón, utiliza los métodos a continuación. Actualmente, solo se admite el botón izquierdo.

# Pressing the mouse button.

# Releasing the mouse button.
// Aún no implementado.
// Pressing the mouse button.
await desktopBot.mouse_down()

// Releasing the mouse button.
await desktopBot.mouse_up()
// Pressing the mouse button.
await desktopBot.mouse_down()

// Releasing the mouse button.
await desktopBot.mouse_up()

Desplazarse por la pantalla

Si necesitas navegar por la pantalla utilizando el desplazamiento hacia arriba o hacia abajo, utiliza los métodos a continuación.

# Scroll up 10 times.

# Scroll down 10 times.
// scroll up 10 times.

// scroll down 10 times.
// Scroll up 10 times.
await desktopBot.scrollUp(10)

// Scroll down 10 times.
await desktopBot.scrollDown(10)
// Scroll up 10 times.
await desktopBot.scrollUp(10)

// Scroll down 10 times.
await desktopBot.scrollDown(10)