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Using email attributes and filters

As shown earlier in the fetching some email messages section, we can use different attributes in a filter when retrieving some emails.

The search method

A way to search for emails using filters is through the search method, in this case a complete string referring to the criterion to be used must be passed. This way makes it the user's responsibility to use the attributes and syntax correctly.

# Searches for all emails sending by the address:
messages ='FROM ""')

Advanced Searching

With the possibility to build a search manually, we can create an advanced search using a single attribute or combining different attributes.

Using a single attribute

Basically the structure of the criteria string is composed by the attribute name in capital letters followed by the attribute value in quotes. You can also use the string between (), to make it more organized.

In general, for each attribute, the structure used will be something like this: '(ATTRIBUTE_NAME "value_for_this_attribute")'.

# search using email subject only
subject_search = '(SUBJECT "Test Message")'

# Searches for all emails that have "Test Message" as subject
messages_search_1 =

# search considering only the address that sent the email
from_search = '(FROM "")'

# Searches for all emails sent from this address
messages_search_2 =

Using multiple attributes

In addition to using attributes individually, it is also possible to combine multiple attributes into the same criteria string.

Basically, this would be equivalent to an AND operation. Only messages that match all criteria will be returned.

# Search only messages that match all of these attributes:
# Subject: "Test Mail"
# Sent by:
# Marked as unseen
attributes_search = '(SUBJECT "Test Mail") (FROM "") (UNSEEN)'

messages =

It is also possible to do OR operations to search messages by some attribute. In this case, just insert OR at the beginning of the string and keep the criteria the same way.

# Search only messages that match one of these attributes:
# Subject: "Search this message"
#  OR
# Subject: "Message to filter"
attributes_search = '(OR (SUBJECT "Search this message") (SUBJECT "Message to filter"))'

messages =

Table: search method attributes

See the table for the most common attributes used in the search method to create search strings:

Attribute Description Type of value
SEEN/UNSEEN with/without the Seen flag str
FROM contain specified str in envelope struct’s FROM field str
TO contain specified str in envelope struct’s TO field str
CC contain specified str in envelope struct’s CC field str
BCC contain specified str in envelope struct’s BCC field str
SUBJECT contain specified str in envelope struct’s SUBJECT field str
BODY contain specified str in body of the message str
ON internal date is within specified date str
SINCE internal date is within or later than the specified date str
BEFORE internal date is earlier than the specified date str


See more details about the attributes that can be used in this link. Remember that all attributes are of type str in the search method.

The filter by method

In some cases, the way above can get a little confusing or generate doubts when building the filter string. Therefore, it is possible to use the filter_by method as a "shortcut" to make the filters.

from import MailFilters
from datetime import datetime

# You can view and select an attribute using: MailFilters.<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>

# Searches for all emails sending by the address:
messages = email.filter_by(MailFilters.FROM, "")

# Searches for all emails that have not yet been read
messages = email.filter_by(MailFilters.SEEN, False)

# Searches for all emails that were received on the date: 15/02/2022
messages = email.filter_by(MailFilters.ON_DATE, datetime(2022, 2, 15).date())

In this case, it is not necessary to worry about the syntax of the filter string, just pass the desired attribute in the filter and the value that this attribute should have.

Table: filter_by method attributes

The attributes that can be used are defined in the MailFilters class as a Enum, the following table shows the attributes that are defined and what types of values they can receive:

Attribute Description Type of value
SEEN with/without the Seen flag bool
FROM address from email sender str
TO address receiver as TO str
CC address receiver as CC str
BCC address receiver as BCC str
SUBJECT the email subject str
TEXT_CONTENT contains the text in the email body str
ON_DATE email date is within specified date date
DATE_GREATER_THAN email date is within or later than the specified date date
DATE_LESS_THAN email date is earlier than the specified date date